If someone finds this and can only point me in the right direction, I should be able to do the rest, but if there is some tricky dependency for Xcode in game programming I understand there might not be full integration.
If you do a google search for Goorm IDE, much of the results are in Korean, which is the same with their social media. It even supports web server and integrated debuggger. I'm not scared of scripting, after experimenting with the preferences where it says, 'SourceCodeAccessSettings,' I can only assume there's an applescript or such, but after much searching I can't seem to find the necessary information or files. Goorm IDE has support for C, C++, Java, Js, python, ruby, node express, jquery, angular, and bootstrap. When I have long coding nights my eyes hurt and it's just clunky. But Xcode has no theming save for the actual editor. I am from a windows background, but I feel more comfortable on a mac because of its Unix lineage and internal core. The only answers I could find were from an old answer from 2014 that no longer applies to the current version of UE. I'm okay with it for packaging and setting up for release, but while I'm iterating I would like to use, say, Atom for source code.
I am starting on iOS development with both gaming and utility, and I simply don't like Xcode.